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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dubai - Worlds Tallest Skyscraper, Burj Dubai

Computer mock up of Burj Dubai, downtown Dubai

Just ran across this very intersting story and feature on a most incredible project. Go to the link and check out some photos and video for this project. Unbelievable! Your daily Burj Dubai update - Gadling

This is pretty cool stuff, fascinating!

Global Neighbor Dubai, United Arab Emirates,

Bobby Sharpe Bobby Sharpe's "Global Peoplz Newz": Italy's Vatican Gets It, Why Don't YOU? Bobby Sharpe's " Opyn Mindz": Opinions, Thoughts, Observations & Commentary

1 comment:

Bobby Sharpe said...

YOU have got to click on the link in this post. Once YOU do, click on the "video link" in the story. "YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS VIDEO!" IT IS UNREAL!

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