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Friday, April 10, 2009

Somalia Pirates, Wipe Them Out NOW

Tense Standoff Between U.S., Pirates
Mirrors Lawless Trend Off Somali Coast

The intensifying scene of a pirate standoff with the U.S. Navy is a bleak case study in the lawless dynamics of the piracy problem off the coast of Somalia.

The captain of a U.S.-flagged ship hijacked this week by a band of pirates attempted to escape Friday but didn't make it far, as the pirates fired gunshots and recaptured him. They then proceeded to demand a $2 million ransom, according to a Somali negotiator.

The Navy has sent the USS Bainbridge to the scene, and the pirates reportedly have called in reinforcements as well, seeking help from other bands of pirates on hijacked ships in the region.

The fate Richard Phillips, captain of the Maersk Alabama, hangs in the balance, but he is not alone. At least a dozen ships and more then 200 crew members are being held by pirates in the region.

YOU know, this really chaps my ass. These low life dirtbags, that are lower than any animalz on the planet, have the nerve to sit over there in their piece of crap out house of a country and try to dictate to the rest of the world "what the deal is". Who do they think they are to go out and just take ships and people captive and then demand a ransom? Obviously, they are that ignorant and stupid!

I want nothing more than to see these innocent hostages set free unharmed. However, there comes a time when YOU have to "break some eggs to make an omelet". It has been proven that negotiating with these a--holes and paying ransom is not going to stop the ongoing hijackings. It is time to start blowing their collective asses out of the water, and, if I am not mistaken, do what the Russians wanted to do months ago. Go on land in Somalia and wipe out these scums bases etc. Until we do that, this crap is going to keep on happening!! Man up United States and go and start kicking some ass and quit pussy footing around with the scum of the earth. Let them all know, "GAMES OVER"!!!!

"Wipe Out The Pirate Trash",

1 comment:

Bobby Sharpe said...

The US Navy SEALS OPENED A CAN OF WUP ASS TODAY on the Pirates!!!!

Frank Lawrence

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