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Monday, August 4, 2008

Poland T-Rex Relative Found

Ancestor of T-Rex Unearthed in Poland

WARSAW, Poland (Aug. 2) - Paleontologists digging in a brickyard in southern Poland have discovered the remains of a dinosaur they say is a previously unknown ancestor of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The predator dinosaur, given the working name "the Dragon," lived around 200 million years ago, team member Doctor Tomasz Sulej of the Polish Science Academy, told Reuters.

It was five yards long and moved on two legs. Its longest teeth were 2 inches long.

"This is a completely new type of dinosaur that was so far unknown," Sulej said on Friday.

"Nobody even expected that members of this group lived in that time, so this gives us new knowledge about the whole evolution of the T-Rex group."

The remains were excavated from a brickyard in Lisowice village about 125 miles from Warsaw.

The paleontologists will continue examining the bones and fully document the discovery before they decide what name to give to the new dinosaur. They will exhibit the findings in Lisowice on August 7, Sulej said.

At the same site the group also found a dicynodon -- a reptile which was a direct predecessor of mammals.

"We are almost certain that "Dragon" hunted animals like this herbivorous dicynodon, which looked like hippopotamus but was much bigger," Sulej said.

Once again, the planet gives up another "lost" inhabitant. I would certainly like to see this one when they have all the parts and can reconstruct it. I am also thrilled that they have given it the temporary name "Dragon". Who knows, maybe, it will actually be a "Dragon".

Global Neighbor Poland,

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